Librarian Exchange Professional Development Program
This SCAMeL grant program is designed by the Board of Directors to support professional development opportunities that increase the knowledge and expertise of staff at SCAMeL member libraries by subsidizing visits to other SCAMeL libraries. Although a true exchange of staff members from different libraries is recommended, one-way or non-reciprocal requests are also eligible for funding. SCAMeL currently allocates a total of $6,000 per year to the Professional Development Committee to support reciprocal as well as one-way, individual visits. Home institutions are expected to pay any costs associated with the exchange not funded through the Librarian Exchange/Professional Development Program.
The Librarian Exchange Professional Development Program enables librarians and other professional staff at the region’s academic health sciences libraries to investigate how a specific service or issue is managed by other libraries, to familiarize themselves with the overall operations of libraries similar to their own, and to become better acquainted with colleagues throughout the SCAMeL region.
In this way, it is hoped that the exchange of knowledge will encourage greater collaboration between member libraries.
List of sample proposals & reports
SCAMeL Speedy Startups
SCAMeL individuals or institutions (hospital librarians may partner with a SCAMeL institution) are invited to submit a plan for a project that will benefit the region. The only requirement is that you use your imagination and you’re encouraged to think outside of the box.